
Hi There, my name is Herculano. I have more 10 years work with information technology and 7 years working in the data-based solution area, being responsible for coordinating, architecting, managing and developing the analytics environment and team, creating solutions and a pipeline of adequate, complete, perennial, resilient, efficient and secure data, promoting the union and integration of systems, statistical models and people.

General Information
Brazilian - Maried
Age: 33
+55 (34) 9.9794-6294
Technical Knowledge
Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)
ALM Solution (GIT, Jenkins)
SGBDs (Readshift, Cassandra, MongoDB, MSSQLServer, Oracle, Postgres, Mysql)
ETL Tools (Spark, Glue, Databricks, DataProc, MS SSIS, IBM InfoSphere DataStage)
Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Kaban, Jira)
DevOps (Docker, Kubernetes, Rancher)
Servers (Windows Server, Linux)
Colaboration (O365, Google G-Suite)
BackEnd Langs (SQL, Java, Python, Nodejs, C#)
FrontEnd Langs (Javascript, Angular, React)
Academic Formation

2017 - 2018*

Master’s Degree
Big Data

BRA - PUC Minas, Uberlândia

The course aims at training specialists in Big Data and Analytics who gather solid knowledge in the main Big Data technologies, in addition to methodologies used in the global market, knowing business models, architecture, strategic governance and solutions practiced in the market.
Some of the topics applied in the course:
  • Parallel storage and processing systems for horizontal scale with Hadoop, Spark, Hive and others.
  • Relational and non-relational database models in the application of analytics.
  • Architecture and processing of real-time systems.
  • Creation and maintenance of statistical models for business applications.
  • Among others...

2009 - 2013

Bachelor’s degree
Information System

BRA - Faculdade Politécnica, Uberlândia

This course is a higher education course and is what most prepared students to work in the market at that time. The student would have to choose between (Science, engineering or information systems), I was assertive when choosing this one that gave me baggage for the race in the vacancies disputes for the best performances.
The course has several objectives, some of which are worth highlighting.:
  • Provides a solid background in Software Engineering and development of systems.
  • Preparatory for the use of relational database  in applications.
  • Solidifier on computer networks, operating systems and interfaces.
  • Systems Project Management Trainer.
  • Among others...
Profesional Experience


Polígono Capital
Tech Lead - Data Enginner

Interdisciplinary role.
As a Tech Lead, I leverage my expertise to make critical technical and strategic decisions, ensuring the success of data/software projects. I take full responsibility for the team's outcomes, consistently fostering motivation and engagement. I specialize in developing and leading the implementation of robust data pipeline solutions.
With proficiency in technical leadership, data architecture, pipeline development, and data integration, this role empowers me to extend beyond the IT domain. I recognize that addressing business challenges is the primary and most crucial focus. The ability to navigate and contribute to business subjects is a central aspect of my role, reflecting my commitment to achieving both technical excellence and business success.


Data Enginner - Tech Lead

Focused role performance for data engineering and BigData.
My career at this company begins with the desire and need to shift from traditional BI to the bigdata era, accepting a challenge proposal that would change the customary way of work.
The company in question needed to transform its outdated BI area on an agile, horizontal and resilient analytics platform that would meet the minimum requirements required of the ecosystem that set out to deliver smart banking services, cheap and competitive to your customers.
I accepted this challenge and since then I've initially moved from BI systems for Systems Analyst and now for Data Engineer, the positions have been adapting as the work was demonstrated and the company grew with the maturation of these new areas. In this experience, learning was increasing, as we permeated 3 directorates (Technology, Strategic Planning and Products) with distinct strategies that brought technical knowledge closer to the business in a way exponential.
Among several achievements, it is worth mentioning the implementation of lakeHouse in cloud for self-service of the business areas, this activity enabled the independence of the business as well as bureaucratic requests for data analysis, reports and panels to Information Technology, with that there was also the implementation of new tools for exploration and analysis of data like SAS, Tableau and PowerBI, implementation of 3 statistical and strategic models ( Churn, recommendation and prospection).
I am currently in the area of architecture and governance with scope of activities aimed at creating a highly available data platform and resilient, that can meet LGPD and OpenBanking projects and areas of organization focused on open source and cloud services.


Algar - Tech
BI Analyst and Architect

With a focus on information analysis, construction of cubes oriented to decision making, insight gathering, business architecture design Intelligence and Big Data.
I started working on BI and later on BIG DATA at ALGAR TECH in together with the process management area, where we mine and develop Dashboards and templates through ETL and statistical techniques to support the pillar, after we have consolidated a BI factory to meet all the needs of the company, be it she processes, operations, marketing, finance, business, etc. Dealing with the needs of customers evolves in knowledge with analysis of requirements, analysis of business, policy applied internally, so I spoke the client's language and interpreted it for the technology of BI, today in addition to developing, analyzing, prospecting, training I coordinate a team of analysts working on internal and external projects. It is worth mentioning that I had O pleasure to participate in several external projects, among them the outstanding "MRE- Ministry Foreign Affairs, where I traveled to Brasilia and we carried out consultancy complete, other important in Brasilia was ELETROBRAS-ELETRONORTE, my team and I we did a great job. There are several successful cases, of which I am proud in to have participated either as a developer, consultant or analyst.
Some of the activities carried out among others:

  • Business process mapping.
  • Development and management of business projects.
  • Implementation and maintenance of process automation.
  • Gathering business requirements.
  • Risk assessment for project implementation.
  • QlikView tool development for management.
  • Development team coordination.
  • Talent training for knowledge of the Qlikview platform.
  • BI interview and consulting.

2013 - 2014

Support Analyst

Acting as an analyst responsible for the correct maintenance of the systems operating systems, management systems and databases to support the services and products sold and supported by Bradesco.
Some of the activities carried out among others:

  • Meeting with StackHolders to define demands
  • Support center for decision-making at critical times
  • Creating and maintaining support documentation
  • Creation of indicator reports for clients
  • Support to Management and internal communication
  • Customer support

2012 - 2013

Cedro Finances
Analyst Internship

Activity developed defining work methods and processes, studying times and parameters, mapping the flow of activities and identifying failures, in order to to establish strategies for solving problems and proposing continuous improvement of processes.
Activities carried out such as implementing a BPM tool for modeling, documentation and automation of processes, support the definition of processes for each area of the company, identify and optimize critical processes, train the company in business processes.